Mittwoch, 8. März 2017

Prologue, page 27

Here's the next translated WebManga page, translation (C) Marie L., many thanks to her!

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2017

Prologue, pages 21, 22 & 23

Hey there~

the last upload by me for the next time. It toke me so damn long. x x I'm sorry but there you are~

[Reading from the top to the bottom. :3 First multipost btw...]

Montag, 16. Januar 2017

Prologue, page 18

Prologue, page 17


I'm very sorry for the sudden and long winterbreak. I startet a new job and had worked my ass of the past weeks. Two pages today for that and the next pages will come tomorrow until we will be at page 23. After that some new team members will activly join here. :3

Love and such stuff~
